We help to increase the effectiveness of companies by conducting an analysis of their activity and by designing management systems supporting decision making which are adjusted to the scale and range of activity.
The offer of our controlling services include:
- design and actualization of the financial planning structure,
- designing new and actualization of already existing inner systems and/or of the models allowing:
- budgeting of costs and income centers and monitoring of their current achievements in comparison to the budget and analysis of deviations,
- analysis of profitability of products and services groups,
- monitoring of profitability of clients groups.
- searching for and analyzing of the “bottlenecks” and ineffective processes,
- design of the reliable calculation of costs and efficiency,
- selecting reliable indicators and measures of the effectiveness evaluation and financial situation,
- assistance in the choice and implementation if information system supporting management,
- substantive supervision on IT system implementation.
After implementation of the solutions prepared by us we offer the service of temporary supervision on controlling processes. Mentioned service covers verification of the effectiveness of solutions designed by us.